3 Ways to Python Split a String in Half

Hello Geeks, I hope all are doing great. So, while handling data inputs from python or some result, we sometimes need to part a string into two halves. However, it’s not a difficult job to do. But, sometimes, we get stuck in doing them. Today in this article, we will see how we can python split a string in half and then access each. So, without wasting our time, let’s get started.

What do you mean by Python Split a String in Half?

Splitting the strings into half means dividing the string into two halves from the center. However, both partitions can be equal or may not be identical. If the number of strings is even, then both halves are equal, while if the number of strings is odd, then the first half contains fewer characters than the other half.

So, strings in python can be halved into two parts in two ways. The first one uses string slicing, and the other uses the split method. Let’s see each of them.

Python Split a String in Half using String Slicing

String slicing in python refers to accessing the subparts of the strings. When we access half of the string, we can say we halved it into two parts. Let’s see how we can do it.

# Splitting string using string slicing

string = "PythonPool"
# number of words
n = len(string)

if n%2 == 0:
  string1 = string[0:n//2]
  string2 = string[n//2:]
  print("First Half of String:",string1)
  print("Second Half of String:",string2)
  string1 = string[0:(n//2+1)]
  string2 = string[(n//2+1):]
  print("First Half of String:",string1)
  print("Second Half of String:",string2)


First Half of String: Pytho
Second Half of String: nPool


In the above example, we can see that we used string slicing to split the string. We have passed the values as the subscript for the string specifying the beginning and end of the slicing. Then we stored them in a later printed variable or can be used accordingly.

Splitting String using Slice method

This is another way of dividing the strings into two parts. It accepts two arguments for splitting in which the first argument specifies the starting point of the split and the second argument specifies the ending point of the string. Let’s understand this with an example.

# Splitting string using slice method

string = "PythonPool"
# number of words
n = len(string)

if n%2 == 0:
  s1 = slice(0,n//2)
  s2 = slice(n//2,n)
  print("First Half of String:",string[s1])
  print("Second Half of String:",string[s2])
  s1 = slice(0,n//2)
  s2 = slice(n//2,n)
  print("First Half of String:",string[s1])
  print("Second Half of String:",string[s2])


First Half of String: Pytho
Second Half of String: nPool


In the above example, we created two variable which stores the slicing values using the slice() method. These variables contain the rule of the slicing or positions of slicing, and then we pass it as the subscript for the string we want to slice. This returns the value of the substring we want, then we can use it.

Python Split a String in Half using Split method

So, besides splitting the string into two halves, we can also split the string based on the character within the string. We can use the split method, which returns the list of sub-strings after splitting the string. Let’s see an example.

# Splitting string using split method

string = "PythonPool"
new_string = string.split('o')


['Pyth', 'nP', '', 'l']


So, in the above example, we can see that we have split the string with the character ‘o’, and its occurrence is three times. Hence, the number of substrings created is four (3+1). We have passed the character as an argument of the split method, which returns a list of substrings.

FAQs on Python Split a String in Half

What happens when the length of the string is 0?

If the length of the string is 0, then in both methods, it returns an empty value without raising the error.
However, in the case of string length equals 1, the string is separated without any error, but either half is empty.


So, today in this article, we have seen how we can split a string into two halves. We have seen different ways to split the string into two halves. We have also seen some of the examples for better understanding. I hope this article has helped you. Thank You.

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