Mastering Integer Division in Python

As a high-level, dynamically typed language, Python provides a range of data types to work with, including integer, float, and complex numbers. In this article, we’ll focus on integer division in Python, exploring the concept and how it works.

What is Integer Division?

Integer division is a mathematical operation that divides two integers and returns an integer result. The result is rounded down to the nearest whole number, discarding any fractional part. In other words, integer division rounds down the result to the nearest integer, providing the floor value of the division.

Integer Division

In Python, integer division is represented using the // operator. When two integers are divided using this operator, the result is the floor value of the division, i.e. the largest integer that is less than or equal to the actual result.

For example, consider the following code:

print(10 // 3)

The output of the above code will be 3.

It’s important to note that division with integers in Python 3 works differently than in Python 2. In Python 2, the / operator performs integer division if both operands are integers. In Python 3, the / operator always performs floating-point division, while the // operator performs integer division.

To get integer division in Python 2, you can use the // operator or convert the operands to float before division.

For example:

print(10.0 // 3)
print(10 // 3.0)
print(10.0 / 3)
print(10 / 3.0)

In all of these cases, the result will be a floating-point number, not an integer.

Division vs. Integer Division

It’s important to understand the difference between division and integer division, as they can produce different results. Consider the following example:

print(10 / 3)
print(10 // 3)

The output of the first line will be 3.333333..., while the output of the second line will be 3. In other words, division returns a floating-point number, while integer division returns an integer.

Conversion between Integer and Float

In some cases, you may need to convert an integer to a float or a float to an integer. This can be done using the int() and float() functions in Python.

For example:


The output of the first line will be 10.0, and the output of the second line will be 10.

Integer division and remainder

The // operator performs integer division, which means that it returns the quotient of the division, discarding any remainder. For example, 7 // 2 would return 3, since 7 divided by 2 is 3 with a remainder of 1.

The % operator returns the remainder of the division. For example, 7 % 2 would return 1, since 7 divided by 2 is 3 with a remainder of 1.

Here is an example that demonstrates the use of these operators:

a = 7
b = 2

quotient = a // b
remainder = a % b

print("The quotient of", a, "divided by", b, "is", quotient)
print("The remainder of", a, "divided by", b, "is", remainder)


The quotient of 7 divided by 2 is 3
The remainder of 7 divided by 2 is 1

Python integer division by zero

In Python, integer division by zero raises a ZeroDivisionError. This error occurs when you attempt to divide an integer by zero, either explicitly or as a result of some calculation.

Here is an example of code that would raise a ZeroDivisionError:

a = 10
b = 0
c = a // b  # integer division by zero
# the following code will not be executed since an error has occurred
print("The result of the division is:", c)


ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero

To avoid this error, you can check whether the denominator is zero before performing the division.

Python integer division ceiling

In Python, to get the ceiling value of the result of an integer division, you can use the math module and its ceil function. The ceil function takes a single argument, which is a floating-point number, and returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to the argument.

To use math.ceil() to calculate the ceiling value of an integer division, you need to first convert the dividend and divisor to floating-point numbers. Here is an example:

import math

a = 7
b = 2

quotient = a / b
ceiling = math.ceil(quotient)

print("The result of the division is:", quotient)
print("The ceiling value of the division is:", ceiling)


The result of the division is: 3.5
The ceiling value of the division is: 4

In this example, a and b are both integers. We first perform the division a / b, which results in a floating-point number with a value of 3.5. We then pass this result to math.ceil(), which returns the ceiling value of 4.

Python integer division too large for a float

In Python, if you perform an integer division that results in a quotient that is too large to be represented as a float, you will get an OverflowError. This error occurs when the resulting quotient or remainder is too large to be represented by the floating-point format used by Python.

Here is an example of code that would raise an OverflowError:

a = 10**1000
b = 1
c = a // b  # integer division with a very large dividend

# the following code will not be executed since an error has occurred
print("The result of the division is:", c)


OverflowError: integer division result too large for a float

Integer division python round up

In Python, to perform integer division and round up to the nearest integer, you can use the math module and its ceil function. The ceil function returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the input.

We can also use the '//' operator to perform integer division and then add 1 to the result if there is a remainder.

Python integer division vs floor

Here’s a comparison table between Python’s integer division (//) and floor division (math.floor()):

FeatureInteger division (//)Floor division (math.floor())
OperationPerforms integer division and rounds towards zeroRounds down to the nearest integer
Input typeAccepts integer inputs onlyAccepts inputs of any numeric type
Negative numbersRounds towards zeroRounds down
Positive numbersSame result as floor divisionSame result as integer division
Return typeReturns an integerReturns a float
Type of operatorBuilt-in operatorFunction in the math module
Comparison table between integer division and floor

Integer division only works with integer inputs, while floor division can accept inputs of any numeric type.


What happens if the operands of integer division are floating-point numbers?

If the operands of integer division in Python are floating-point numbers, the result will be a floating-point number. The // operator can be used to perform integer division with floating-point numbers.

Can integer division in Python return a fractional part?

No, integer division in Python only returns the floor of the division result, discarding any fractional part.


In this article, we’ve explored the concept of integer division and how it works. We’ve looked at the difference between division and integer division, and how to convert between integers and floats. Whether you’re working with positive or negative numbers, the // operator makes it easy to perform integer division and obtain the desired result. With this understanding, you can use integer division effectively in your code.

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