[SOLVED] TypeError: “int” Object Is Not Callable

In this article, we will be discussing the TypeError: “int” Object is not callable exception. We will also be through solutions to this problem with example programs.

Why Is This Error Raised?

  1. “int” is used as a variable name.
  2. Arithmetic Operator not provided when calculating integers.
  3. Placing parentheses after a number

Using int As A Variable, Name

Variable declaration using in-built names or functions is a common mistake in rookie developers. An in-built name is a term with its value pre-defined by the language itself. That term can either be a method or an object of a class.

int is an in-built Python keyword. As we discussed, it is not advisable to use pre-defined names as variable names. Although using a predefined name will not throw any exception, the function under the name will no longer be re-usable.

Let’s refer to the following example:

myNums = [56,13,21,54]
sum = 0
sum = sum(myNums)
print("sum of myNums list: ", sum)

Output and Explanation

TypeError: "int" Object Is Not Callable
  1. Variable myNums is a list of 4 integers.
  2. A variable sum is initialized with the value 0
  3. The sum of myNums list is calculated using sum() function and stored in sum variable.
  4. Results printed.

What went wrong here? In step 2, we initialize a variable sum with a value of 0. In Python, sum is a pre-defined function. When were try to use the sum function in step 3, it fails. Python only remembers sum as a variable since step 2. Therefore, sum() has lost all functionality after being declared as a variable.


Instead of using sum as a variable declaration, we can use more descriptive variable names that are not pre-defined (mySummySum, totalSum). Make sure to follow PEP 8 naming conventions.

myNums = [56,13,21,54]
totalSum = 0
totalSum= sum(myNums)
print("sum of myNums list: ", totalSum)

Correct Output

sum of myNums list:  144

Arithmetic Operator Not Provided When Calculating Integers

Failing to provide an arithmetic operator in an equation can lead to TypeError: “int” object is not callable. Let’s look at the following example:

prices = [44,54,24,67]
tax = 10
totalPrice = sum(prices)
taxAmount = totalPrice(tax/100)
print("total taxable amounr: ", taxAmount)

Output / Explanation

Arithmetic Operator Not Provided When Calculating Integers
  1. List of integers stored in the variable prices
  2. Tax percentage set to 10
  3. Total price calculated and stored in totalPrice
  4. Total Taxable amount calculated.
  5. Final result printed.

To calculate the taxable amount, we must multiply totalPrice with tax percentage. In step 4, while calculating taxAmount, the * operator is missing. Therefore, this gives rise to TypeError: "int" Object Is Not Callable


Denote all operators clearly.

prices = [44,54,24,67]
tax = 10
totalPrice = sum(prices)
taxAmount = totalPrice*(tax/100)
print("total taxable amounr: ", taxAmount)
total taxable amount:  18.900000000000002

Recommended Reading | [Solved] TypeError: ‘str’ object is not callable

Placing Parentheses After an Integer

Let’s look at the following code:


Output / Explanation

Placing Parentheses After an Integer

It is syntactically wrong to place parentheses following an integer. Similar to the previous section, It is vital that you ensure the correct operators.


Do not use brackets after a raw integer. Denote correct operators.

1 * 2

cursor.rowcount() TypeError: “int” Object Is Not Callable

Let’s look at the following code:

sample ="select * from myTable"
self.cur = self.con.cursor()

Error Output

TypeError: 'int' object is not callable


According to the sqlite3 documentation provided by Python, .rowcount is an attribute and not a function. Thereby remove the parenthesis after .rowcount.

sample ="select * from myTable"
self.cur = self.con.cursor()

TypeError: “int” object is not callable in OpenCV

Let’s refer to the following code.

contours,hierarchy = cv2.findContours(


if (hierarchy.size() > 0):
    numObj =hierarchy.size()

Error Output

   if (hierarchy.size() > 0):
TypeError: 'int' object is not callable


The  hierarchy object returned is a numpy.ndarray object. You should also note that the numpy.ndarray.size attribute is an integer, not a method. Therefore, they cause the exception.

if event.type == pygame.quit() TypeError: ‘int’ Object Is Not Callable

Let’s refer to the example code to move an image:

import pygame
import sys 


while True:
    for i in pygame.event.get():
       if i.type() == pygame.QUIT:

Error Output

if i.type() == pygame.QUIT:
TypeError: 'int' object is not callable


The condition statement should be:

if i.type == pygame.QUIT:

Instead of the current:

if i.type() == pygame.QUIT:

Please note that type is a member of the class Event, not a function. Therefore, it is not required to pass parenthesis.

TypeError: ‘int’ Object Is Not Callable Datetime

Let’s refer to the following code:

from datetime import *

for single_date in daterange(start_date, end_date):
    if single_date.day() == 1 and single_date.weekday() == 6: 
        sundays_on_1st += 1 

Error Output

TypeError: 'int' object is not callable


.day is not a function but an attribute. Therefore passing parenthesis should be avoided.

from datetime import *

for single_date in daterange(start_date, end_date):
    if single_date.day == 1 and single_date.weekday() == 6: 
        sundays_on_1st += 1 


How do I fix TypeError int object is not callable?

You can fix this error by not using “int” as your variable name. This will avoid the cases where you want to convert the data type to an integer by using int().

What does TypeError int object is not callable mean?

Object not callable simply means there is no method defined to make it callable. Usually, parenthesis is used to call a function or object, or method.


We have looked at the exception TypeError: ‘int’ Object Is Not Callable. This error mostly occurs due to basic flaws in the code written. Various instances where this error appears have also been reviewed.

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